Engagious Podcast: Ray Poynter, Data-Driven Storytelling

Ray Poynter, NewMR
No podcast covering the topics of storytelling and market research would be complete without a discussion with Ray Poynter. Between creating NewMR, authoring The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research, serving as Director of Vision Critical’s knowledge sharing center, and as Managing Director of The Future Place, Ray is always at the forefront of how to tell stories with data.

Whether or not you work in research, Ray’s 40+ year career has something to teach everyone. I know I learned a lot!

In this episode we talk about:

3:00    Using market research to illuminate the story and make the results more actionable.

8:00    How the technique of découpé can be used to find the story in data.

11:00  How humor can play a role in delivering complex information.

13:30  What do brands, marketers, and advertisers need to keep in mind regarding today’s social movements such as #MeToo and others.

17:30  What is the best use of infographics and what makes for the best visual aids.

If you liked this episode, I also recommend that you check out my conversation with Elizabeth Merrick-May where we discuss how to get into the head of customers and undercover “Moments of Truth.”

Thanks for listening and I hope your time spent with our podcast has brought you value. If you have any comments or suggestions on who would be great for us to talk with in future episodes, please Tweet us @_Engagious or use the hashtag #BeEngagious. We’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, #BeEngagious.