Looking Back

Perception Analyzer Dial.Log is 100 posts-old today. While 100 posts in six months (this blog launched on March 11, 2004) may not be a lot by blog standards, I am pretty selective about what I post and feel a strange sense of accomplishment with this milestone. Yet, I have struggled of late with where this blog should go. At first, the idea was to have a business blog that combined industry info that would be of interest to my clients and prospects with info about my company’s specific products and services. I quickly realized that the two didn’t mesh very well in the same blog and this soon became a blog mostly about what I, and my company, know best – marketing, advertising, market research and customer experience. I figured if people liked what I had to offer here, some would click over to our corporate web site and see what we’re all about. I try to post a good mix of stats, observations, links to interesting articles and real-life stories that are relevant to the aforementioned topics.

Over the past couple of days I have really enjoyed going back and reading over the last 100 posts. I forgot much of what I blogged about and actually found it fun to rediscover items I found interesting over the last six months. I find this blog is truly an extension of myself and of what my company has to offer. What I don’t know is, what have my readers come to like most about this blog over the last 100 posts? Are there things of which I should do more or less? Do you like the mix and balance of this blog or would you prefer something different? If you enjoy reading this blog and would like to help me understand these points better (or just want to tell me what you think), please leave a comment. I appreciate your time and look forward to sharing the next 100 posts and beyond.