People Want Better Meat

Results of a new survey by Harris Interactive for The Boston Consulting Group show what categories of products people are willing to pay more for (i.e. trade up) and to pay less for (i.e. trade down).  What distracts me from the rest of the data is that the second thing people choose to trade up most often is meat -MEAT!  Perhaps it’s just that I am always amused by the word “meat.”  Don’t know why – just think it’s a funny word. Anyway, here are the top 10 trade up and trade down items with the percent of respondents who chose them:

Top 10 Trading Up Categories

1. Personal computers: 52.1%
2. Meat: 51.3%
3. My home or apartment itself: 50.7%
4. Furniture: 49.4%
5. Sit-down restaurants: 48.1%
6. Cars: 48.0%
7. Bedding: 47.6%
8. Kitchen appliances: 46.7%
9. Home entertainment products: 46.6%
10. Travel/Vacations: 46.3%

Top 10 Trading Down Categories

1. Canned foods: 50.0%
2. Dry goods: 46.6%
3. Snack foods: 46.4%
4. Household cleaners: 46.0%
5. Paper products: 46.0%
6. Fast-service restaurants: 45.7%
7. Accessories: 45.0
8. Soft drinks: 44.8%
9. Bottled water: 43.6%
10. OTC health remedies: 43.1%

via [re:invention]