For the 2012 election cycle, CNN once again features the Perception Analyzer on-air

Much like during the 2008 election cycle, CNN is once again relying on the Perception Analyzer by Dialsmith to gauge real-time reactions from undecided voters in 2012. And when the President took the
big stage at the Democratic National Convention, Perception Analyzer was
front-and-center. CNN aired a segment of the President’s
nomination acceptance speech with an overlay graphic powered by Perception
Analyzer, showing the real-time feedback from
a focus group of North Carolina undecided
voters who used dials to gauge their real-time approval or disapproval
of what the President was saying.

Dials on CNN 2012

“In their [27 undecided voters’] hands, they held electronic audience reaction [Perception Analyzer] dials, twisting them back and forth to record their approval or disapproval second by second, giving instant feedback and real-time ratings of the speech.”

The Perception Analyzer by Dialsmith has a proud history of being part of every US election cycle for nearly 30 years. Learn more.