Luntz’s Dial Testing Focus Group Hits High Mark During GOP Debate

2015 GOP Debate Luntz dial testing results Image courtesy of Fox News

In case you hadn’t heard, there was another GOP candidate debate last night and that means that Frank Luntz was at it again, running a dial testing focus group using our Perception Analyzer dials. But what was unique about last night’s group was its response to a key moment of the debate. As Luntz reported, the group, made up of Republican voters, responded overwhelmingly positive to the moment when Ted Cruz criticized the CNBC moderators and the media on the whole. In fact, Cruz’s comments received the single highest score (98 out of 100) in Luntz’s 15 years of running dial groups.

Frank Luntz dial testing tweet GOP debate 2015





It’s no surprise that Cruz’s criticism of the media establishment (and in particular CNBC) received positive returns from a group of strictly Republican voters but being able to pinpoint this specific moment as the high water mark from 15 years of dial testing the primary and presidential debates is newsworthy and could indicate a defining moment in Cruz’s campaign for the GOP nomination not to mention the 2016 presidential race. It’s also a good example of the valuable insights that the dials can deliver.

Check out Luntz talking about this key moment and the dial results from last night’s GOP debate below.