Great Takes from CRC Part 3, Aligning Behind a Tangible Vision

Engagious Podcast CRC Brianna Sylver
Coming to you once again from the floor at the Insight Association’s Corporate Researchers Conference, check out this great conversation with Brianna Sylver, Founder and President of Sylver Consulting. An innovative strategist and worldwide speaker and facilitator, Brianna has helped organizations identify, implement and align around their visions for growth. Brianna and I shared a great conversation on how she has applied her expertise to help organizations reach and engage audiences in an ever-more-splintered and short-attention-spanned world.

In this episode we discuss:

@3:26     “Starting with the why?” and its importance to message development

@5:41     The importance of a tangible vision and aligning stakeholders behind that vision

@6:39     Using the Four C’s of storytelling to effectively engage audiences

@11:58    A dream vacation that includes giraffes stealing your breakfast?

If you liked this episode, I also recommend that you check out another of our Great Takes from CRC episodes featuring Colette Thayer and Paul Bolls where we discuss universal brain truths and the interesting research being done by AARP.

Thanks for listening and I hope your time spent with our podcast has brought you value. If you have any comments or suggestions on who would be great for us to talk with in future episodes, please leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you.

Until next time, #BeEngagious.