Happy Holidays (Ugly Sweater Style) from Dialsmith

The holiday season and ugly sweaters seem to go together like hot cocoa and marshmellows. So, this year, our team here at Dialsmith channeled our own ugly sweater mojo–sacrificing any self-diginity in the process–to create this home-grown, interactive holiday experience for our wonderful clients, partners and friends.

Watch the video and use the online UG-O-METER (powered by our very own Slidermetrix application) to rate how ugly each sweater is, then see how your UG ratings compare to other viewers. In the spirit of the season, we’ll make a donation to the Oregon Food Bank for every completed rating.

Oh, and just in case you’re wondering, those are real Dialsmith team members, not models, featured in the video.

Have at it and have the happiest of holidays!

Holiday Video Screenshot with Slider

Is this the ugliest sweater of them all? Click here to find out.