Our Partner Facilities Are Doing In-Person Focus Group Research

In-Person Research is Happening!

Our clients are asking for recommendations. That’s why we’re happy to know who is doing in-person qualitative work (with all the necessary COVID-related precautions, of course!)

Yes, Dialsmith is also back on the road doing in-person dial testing (and continuing to offer our gold-standard online dial testing services, if you didn’t know.)


How Dial Testing Can Help You Best Serve Your Clients

In this short clip, Dialsmith founder & CEO David Paull discusses the long-awaited return of in-person research and reviews the key advantages of dial testing over traditional focus groups for your clients. 


What’s new in #FacetoFaceMRX?

We recently chatted with those leading the charge to revitalize in-person market research. Here’s what they had to say: 

➡︎ You can read their full PARTNER UPDATES HERE➡︎



➡︎ If we can help in any way, please reach out. We want to see our industry THRIVE!


➡︎ If you’re looking for the latest information on dial testing, grab our Playbook.

moment to moment qualitative research playbook best practices



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