On March 27, the Perception Analyzer® by Dialsmith® will be used to help select the winning team on NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice. As the teams compete in the upcoming task employees of the sponsoring company will cast their vote for the winning team with the help of Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer […]
Tag Archives: Perception Analyzer
Dialsmith supports Washington Post Live with audience polling
Once again Dialsmith is proud to be supporting Washington Post Live’s series of summits on critical topics. This week offered two such forums on the topics of Childhood Obesity and Aviation Security. During each summit audience members used Perception Analyzer dials to answer questions posed to them by speakers and […]

Dialsmith and the Perception Analyzer at TED
Dialsmith had the pleasure of providing audience feedback at TED2011. Audience members used Perception Analyzer dials to confidentially give continuous, real-time feedback TED. Each Talk and video was evaluated, resulting in rich data for TED staff to use in their on-going quest to enhance the TED experience, both live […]
Dialsmith helps PSU take win in national ad competition
Dialsmith proudly provided Perception Analyzer services to help PSU’s Advertising Campaigns class take the win in a national ad campaign for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) under the Department of Transportation (DOT). Conducting a focus group at the Dialsmith offices PSU tested various campaign ideas with parents of […]
CNN conducts Perception Analyzer dial test of the 2011
State of the Union Speech
CNN, in conjunction with Michael Maslansky, conducted a test of the 2011 State of the Union speech using the Perception Analyzer by Dialsmith. See the results Read the opinion Learn more
Perception Analyzer by Dialsmith helps evaluate 2011 State of the Union speech
Democracy Corps and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research used the Perception Analyzer by Dialsmith to help evaluate President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union speech. Overview Summary of results Scorecard
The Radio Zoo – Time for something new
The lions and tigers and that kind of stuff They have up here now are not quite good enough. You see things like these in just any old zoo. They’re awfully old-fashioned. I want something new! pic moggierocket Flikr Lions and Tigers and that kind of stuff. As […]
Thing 1 and Thing 2 visit the Logo Zoo
Photo by: M.I.S.S.Y. from Flikr “But if I ran the zoo,” Said young Gerald McGrew, “I’d make a few changes. That’s just what I’d do….” Changes. “I’d make […]