We recently came across this fascinating TED Talk from Dr. Sebastian Wernicke, Head of Data Science at Munich, Germany based consultancy Solon, called “How to use data to make a hit TV show.” Dr. Wernicke, who’s schooled in bioinformatics, discusses the differences in how Netflix and Amazon used data to make decisions when […]
Tag Archives: Television Research

Netflix’s Dave Decelle’s Quest to Capture Moments of Truth
(Hey, that’s our quest too!)
Just listened to this recent podcast from The Market Research Event Blog featuring Netflix’s Director of Consumer Insights Dave Decelle in which Decelle explains why his Consumer Insights team has foregone traditional recall-based research methods for those that are aimed at capturing “Moments of Truth.” Here at Dialsmith, we […]

When Do Viewers Get Hooked? Netflix Study Offers Some Answers, More Questions
Image courtesy of Fast Company When do viewers get hooked on a TV show? Is it the opening moments of the first episode or does it take an episode or two to really get a good obsession going? According to this recently released Netflix study, the magic moment is sometime […]

For fall network pilots, success is measured in minutes
Image courtesy of Pop Culture Playpen Fifteen minutes can go by in a flash or it can feel like a lifetime. When it comes to TV pilots and the networks rolling them out, the first 15 minutes are ALL that matter. That according to this AdWeek article: “People figure out in […]

Is TV pilot testing ready for the masses?
The much anticipated debuts of the new Fall line-up of TV shows are airing within the next few weeks, which means it’s time to see if all that focus group testing holds true to form. It’s an exciting yet nerve wracking time of the year for media executives and researchers […]
Perception Analyzer voting determines the winning team on The Celebrity Apprentice
On the March 27, episode of NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice teams ASAP and BACKBONE battled it out to see which could create a better promotional video for ACN’s new video phone. Rather than company executives picking the winning team, ACN employees got to determine the teams’ fate and BACKBONE […]
Perception Analyzer by Dialsmith to be featured on
The Celebrity Apprentice
On March 27, the Perception Analyzer® by Dialsmith® will be used to help select the winning team on NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice. As the teams compete in the upcoming task employees of the sponsoring company will cast their vote for the winning team with the help of Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer […]