Dialsmith is the technology partner and provider of the dial testing services for a closely followed, monthly Swing Voter Insights study being conducted by Engagious and Focus Pointe Global. These swing voter focus groups, which started this past March, are held every month up through Election 2020 in key swing […]
Tag Archives: Public Opinion Polling

Top Five Dial Testing Takeaways from Swing Voters in Erie, PA
Dialsmith is the technology partner and provider of the dial testing services for a closely followed, monthly Swing Voter Insights study being conducted by Engagious and Focus Pointe Global. These swing voter focus groups, which started this past March, are held every month up through Election 2020 in key swing […]

Top Five Dial Testing Takeaways from Swing Voters in Sioux City, IA
Dialsmith is the technology partner and provider of the dial testing services for a closely followed, monthly Swing Voter Insights study being conducted by Engagious and Focus Pointe Global. The groups, which started this past March, are being held every month up until Election 2020 in key swing voter districts […]

Dial Testing Called Back into Duty to Deliver Real-Time Returns on the Presidential Debates
Next Monday night, when NBC Nightly News Anchor and Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt thanks the two candidates for their participation and brings to a close the first presidential debate, the early returns on the candidates’ performances will already be in; the key responses, zingers and messages will have already been […]

CNN and Fox News Feature Perception Analyzer Dial Groups for Democratic Debate
If you’re wondering what that buzzing sound is that you’ve been hearing lately, well, it’s the national election cycle revving up. Last night kicked it up another notch with the first Democratic debate. CNN and Frank Luntz on Fox News once again featured the Perception Analyzer to “score” the debate and […]

New Tech, Same Methods for 2015 State of the Union
It’s always energizing to see our dials back in action during high stakes political events like on the broadcast coverage of last night’s State of the Union. And while some of the networks have traded their in-person dial groups for new second screen polling tools, the method employed to score […]

Portland techies give Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer a piece of their mind
Nice lines? Mostly meh for Mayer based off our dial group results. In 2013, mobile technology leader Qualcomm kicked off the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) with a keynote address for the ages; many critics might say, “The dark ages,” as reviews ranged from “insane” to “awkward” to “speechless.” While […]
Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer a Hit at GoGreen
(Image courtesy of Joel Dames Photography) Here’s another installment of our recurring blog post theme, “Perception Analyzer Around the World,” where we shine a light on the great work our clients are doing in incorporating innovative uses of our dials and real-time polling technology. Client: GoGreen Conference Located: Portland, Oregon, […]

Perception Analyzer by Dialsmith Called Into Action for
State of the Union Polling
As President Obama was delivering his State of the Union last night, focus groups of voters on both sides of the country were watching and scoring the President’s address with the Perception Analyzer dials. Using the Perception Analyzer, researchers are able to capture quantifiable data that shows how voters are […]

Behind CNN’s Colored Lines: Q&A with SMU Public Opinion Researcher Dan Schill
This past October, we published a blog post on the work that Rita Kirk, Ph.D. and Dan Schill, Ph.D. have done using our Perception Analyzer dials in their role as political research consultants for CNN. The two Southern Methodist University (SMU) researchers are the brains behind CNN’s focus groups of undecided voters whose real-time reactions […]