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Tag Archives: Women in Research

Kristin Luck, Luck Collective

Podcast: Kristin Luck, Storytelling & Diversity for a Changing Research Landscape

When it comes to storytelling in market research, one of the best in the business is Kristin Luck. She’s a serial entrepreneur and a globetrotting keynote speaker on marketing, branding, storytelling, startups, and innovation. Kristin is also the founder of Women in Research, a global nonprofit that facilitates education, entrepreneurship, and other career development for women in the market research industry. For this special edition of our Engagious Podcast (co-hosted with Paul Kirch from the Audible Insights Podcast), our conversation focused on the convergence of market research and storytelling. We also touch on brands that are doing a stand-out job of engaging consumers and we explore the state of women, and diversity overall, in market research.

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