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Tag Archives: branding

Engagious Podcast: Gail Becker, CAULIPOWER of Persuasive Stories and Engagement

You hear stories about people who walk away from a prosperous career to launch a passion project, but don’t often get to talk with them about it. Well, in the case of former PR executive Gail Becker, we get the story directly from her. After rising through the ranks in government communications, entertainment, and finally as a president at global PR firm Edelman, Gail walked away to start CAULIPOWER, a cauliflower-based food company inspired by the dietary needs of her kids.

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Word of Mouth Insights & Tips for Advertisers

(This post originally appeared on the Engagious Blog) There’s no question that word of mouth advertising is powerful.  In fact, a Nielsen study confirmed that 83% of global consumers say they “completely” to “somewhat” trust the recommendations of friends and family. It stands to reason that customer testimonials in advertising, […]

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Engagious Podcast CRC Brianna Sylver

Great Takes from CRC Part 3, Aligning Behind a Tangible Vision

Coming to you once again from the floor at the Insight Association’s Corporate Researchers Conference, check out this great conversation with Brianna Sylver, Founder and President of Sylver Consulting. Brianna and I shared a great conversation on how she has applied her expertise to help organizations reach and engage audiences in an ever-more-splintered and short-attention-spanned world.

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