With barely enough time to catch our breath from the first Presidential debate, it was the Vice Presidential candidates taking center stage. Dial testing focus groups were at it again, powered by our Perception Analyzer and Slidermetrix technology, and providing real-time polling and instant results that the broadcast networks used extensively in […]
Tag Archives: Perception Analyzer

Commentary and Analysis from Dial Testing the First Presidential Debate
During last night’s Presidential Debate, focus groups of voters in key states across the country were asked to view and log their real-time reactions to the debate performances of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump using our Perception Analyzer dials. The majority of the time, dial testing like this is […]

Dial Testing Called Back into Duty to Deliver Real-Time Returns on the Presidential Debates
Next Monday night, when NBC Nightly News Anchor and Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt thanks the two candidates for their participation and brings to a close the first presidential debate, the early returns on the candidates’ performances will already be in; the key responses, zingers and messages will have already been […]

ASU Researchers Dial In to How Romantic Couples Regulate Stressful Interactions
Can the Perception Analyzer play a role in helping researchers and clinicians understand when and how some couples regulate stressful interactions while others don’t? Dr. Ashley K. Randall, Ph.D., assistant professor and director of clinical training of counseling and counseling psychology, and her colleague Dr. Nicholas Duran, assistant professor in […]

Trump and Carson React to the Dials
As mentioned previously on our blog, dial testing focus groups are popping up all over the networks during the early stages of this election year. Lee Carter of Maslansky & Partners is a frequent guest on Fox News’ daily morning news/talk program Fox & Friends where she provides commentary on the […]

Have Dials, Will Travel… Q&A with Optimization Group’s Renee Cameron
Renee Cameron been conducting dial testing focus groups for more than two decades and as a founding partner and now Global Account Director of The Optimization Group, Renee continues to use dial testing on behalf of her advertising and market research clients. With so much real world dial testing experience […]

CNN and Fox News Feature Perception Analyzer Dial Groups for Democratic Debate
If you’re wondering what that buzzing sound is that you’ve been hearing lately, well, it’s the national election cycle revving up. Last night kicked it up another notch with the first Democratic debate. CNN and Frank Luntz on Fox News once again featured the Perception Analyzer to “score” the debate and […]

New Look, Better Content, Same Dialsmith
We’ve launched our new website today, and while we’re guessing this isn’t inspiring you to do a happy dance the way it is for us, we’ve made some rather significant upgrades that we think you’ll like and will hopefully keep you coming back for more. Here are some changes we […]

Luntz and the Perception Analyzer Dialed In for Next Big Political Season
Candidates, start your engines! Last night unofficially marked the kickoff to the next big national political season with the first televised presidential primary debate. As the case has been for the past decade, the Perception Analyzer dials were hard at work as Fox/CBS political polling guru Frank Luntz captured the in-the-moment voter […]

Perception Analyzer Dial Testing Goes to The Muppets
There are certain “signs” out there in the world that indicate whether you’ve made it or not. Here at Dialsmith, we’ve had Presidents and world leaders reference our Perception Analyzer dial by name. The Perception Analyzer has made cameos on TV shows (ahem… West Wing, Newsroom) and played supporting roles in motion pictures […]